Poetry from the pen of Pat Marsh

Saturday, 16 December 2017


as the glory of God
illuminates the night
and shepherds
before angelic choirs

the rest of the world
remains oblivious

whilst a young mother
and an awestruck father
take in the miracle
and the mystery

the rest of the world
continues unaware
that everything
just changed

a gift of Love
lies sleeping in the straw

the greatness of God
takes baby small breaths
in the hay

the Prince of Peace
peacefully sleeps

God has come

God has come
to us

and almost no-one

Ragamuffin Rumours

I tell you
it’s hard to know
what to believe
there’s a story flying round the town
that the Messiah’s been born
here in Bethlehem

would you credit it
right here
in this very town they say

and there are wild rumours
of angels
and dazzling stars
and choirs in the sky

it beggars belief

the Messiah
in Bethlehem

it’s only gossip I’m sure

let’s face it
the town’s bursting at the seams
with this stupid census
and no-one else
not one single person
seems to have heard or seen
this ‘heavenly announcement’

strikes me
maybe the wine’s been flowing
a little too freely
at all those family reunions

I have to say though
it’s certainly got folks talking

but here’s the rub
they say it started
with a group of shepherds
spreading the news

well I ask you
what a group of misfits and rogues they are
it has to be a hoax

the hope of Israel?
born in Bethlehem?
and a bunch of ragamuffin shepherds
the first to hear the news?

can’t possibly be true

The Melting

it seemed
as if the heavy weight of her weariness
melted into the straw
as her exhausted body
surrendered itself
to the makeshift bed
that Joseph had fashioned

it was done

the child was born

the promised one
was here

and a river
of unimaginable
relief and joy
washed over her and through her
like an all-consuming tidal wave

he was safely come

she knew not
what the future held

but God had come good
she knew she could trust
her Adonai

she had surrendered her body
to his purposes
and he
had delivered on his promise

and through the swirling mist of emotion
and a million unanswerable questions
through the discomfort
and after pains
of childbirth
in the total unknowing
of what came next
the whole weight of her tired body
settled into the straw
and utter joy
flooded her senses

God had come good

let it be to me
she thought
according to your Word
