Poetry from the pen of Pat Marsh

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Profound Simplicity

as simple
as washing one another’s feet

Lord, forgive us
when we make discipleship

that was never
how you taught it

when I search your gospel teachings
I discover nothing more
and nothing less
than great simplicity

a basin and a towel
bread and wine
a simple touch
a word of forgiveness
a rhythm of prayer

take nothing for the journey

a grain of wheat
a mustard seed
the profound simplicity
of love

as simple
as washing another’s feet

forgive us
when we complicate discipleship
help us instead
to simply serve
out of your great love
and our
naked vulnerability

Spirit's Flow

the world
keeps turning

is probably
unfolding as it should

accept and embrace
what is

offer yourself
to life’s unfurling;
let it carry you in its flow
to where
you are meant to be

will be well

let go
of all that is not

accept and embrace what is:
this situation
this now
this state of being

love yourself
love others
love God



let go

be at peace

open yourself
to the Spirit's flow

Inward Look

loneliness consumes me
until I look inside myself
and find You there
source of life
living Christ
love everlasting
ground of my being
of all things


I held his gaze
for a lifetime

compressed within a second

eyes locked
in unspoken pain
and understanding

of a calling
too high
to walk away from
the excruciating cost

I knew about calling

and the cost of his
couldn’t have been higher

with every nerve in my body
I felt the inevitability of it

twist and turn
of the journey
every road
from the stable to now
had been leading
towards this path
propelling me
into this sword piercing pain
the agony
of watching him
steadily walk
towards his certain death

broken dreams
a lifetime of emotion
filled the air between us

we dare not let ourselves
come close
for fear
the nearness would break us
our love for each other
draw him away
from the call

I busied myself
bit my lip
got on with the difficult business
of being ordinary

Thursday Morning

this was the day

the hour
had nearly come

early in the morning
he rose to pray

slipped away
from the twelve

and watching
the gentle, soft light
of dawn
infuse the edges of the clouds
with brightness

he whispered

however you want this day
to unfold

let it be

let your glory